“Anyone ever tell you you got a Whiskey voice?”
Nicknames say a lot about who we are. Or who people think we are. And while Whiskey was not a very diminutive tag for a sixteen year old milk drinker, it was a lot better than Froggy. Or Mouth. Or “He can go first”. That’s right.
After years of being commonly mistaken for a boy and being openly laughed at for her unusually low voice, Michelle learned to disguise it with accents and idiolects, and ultimately developed a considerable vocal range. And quicker than you could flash a phony ID, people were hiring her for her singular sound. A voice that is at once smooth, rich, and substantial, it’s only gotten better with age. You can experience her range and interest via her demos. On the house. And if you like what you hear? Go ahead and order one for yourself. Make it a double!
Voiceover Demos